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Kiron Digital

Kiron Digital Lear­ning Solu­ti­ons lever­a­ges inclu­si­on tech­no­lo­gy to enable and support digital edu­ca­tors and cata­ly­se social change.

???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????? ????????????????????????????????????!We levera­ge inclu­si­on & tech­no­lo­gy to enable and support digital edu­ca­tors and cata­ly­se social change.Since 2015 we have been working with refu­gees on desig­ning the perfect digital envi­ron­ments for diverse lear­ners. The NGO Kiron Open Higher Edu­ca­ti­on, our mother company, has reached more than 120.000 stu­dents around the globe.Building our own campus, we learned from the most diverse stu­dents group in the whole world – refu­gees – the science of lear­ning tog­e­ther and from each others. Now we want to share this science with you!???????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????Get your branded lear­ning plat­form and learn how to produce the most enga­ging and inclu­si­ve content to reach your audi­ence???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????We deve­lo­ped a port­fo­lio of digital pro­ducts and con­sul­tancy, which aim to support edu­ca­tors for them to unlock poten­ti­al of digital edu­ca­ti­onTog­e­ther, we can demo­cra­tise access to edu­ca­ti­on for all, incre­asing socie­tal inte­gra­ti­on, and addres­sing skill shorta­ges in Germany and beyond.????????????????????????????????????,????????????????????????,????????????????????????????????????,????????????????????????????????????Join our DEIB journey for small to medium‑d busi­nesses. Our trai­ning offers an actionable solu­ti­on to the DEIB chal­lenges. Through inter­ac­ti­ve and par­ti­ci­pa­to­ry lear­ning, we equip your team with the tools and insights to break bar­riers, con­front biases, and drive meaningful change, fos­te­ring a truly inclu­si­ve work­place com­mu­ni­ty. Join the revo­lu­ti­on for a more inclu­si­ve and diverse work environment.

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